Happy New Year - here's to a better paddling year in 2021
2020 has been a difficult year for us all, the Covid situation has unfortunately impacted Pendle Paddlers paddling opportunities since Mar, due to various reasons; such as changes in working practices impacting on coaches, leaders, and supporters, the difficulties of becoming Covid secure on the canal and the pool, and Government restrictions.
As a Club we decided early on to suspend membership whilst we weren't paddling, and this will remain until we are back, we appreciate that not being able to paddle is frustrating but we need to be able to do so safely and fairly.
As we move into 2021 we will continue to look at opportunities to restart the sport we enjoy so much, and here is a little reminder of some of the things we do.
Keep an eye on the website, and our Facebook we will update those on our plans
HAPPY NEW YEAR and we look forward to paddling in 2021